Face-to-Face Elements

In the assessments for this course, we specifically asked if the students wanted only the online experience, or if they valued the personal, face-to-face components. They clearly indicated that the face-to-face component was desired and they refused the entirely online only alternative. Now this was in the nineties. It is not necessarily the case in the 2020’s. We ย need more recent assessment data to continue to argue for inclusion of this component.

Even modern-day students, raised all of their lives on a rich and diverse range of computer applications, have informed us that they would very much miss the human interactions typical of classroom sessions. So we designed three specific face-to-face activities to accompany the intense online learning required for ISGE, namely:

  • Student Face-to-Face Discussion
  • Faculty Debates on alternative positions for the Months Isomorphies
  • Student Face-to-Face Question-Generating Sessions